19 February 2009



1/2 lt whole milk (I used skimmed)

1 cup roasted semiya/vermicelli

2-3 tbsps sago/sabhudana/saggu biyyam (optional)

1/2 - 3/4 cup sugar (adjust)

1 tsp cardamom pwd

10-12 cashewnuts

1 tbsp raisin

1 tbsp ghee

1 Heat a pan, add a tbsp of ghee and toast the cashewnuts and raisins till golden brown. Remove from pan, keep aside.
2 In the same pan, add the vermicelli (if its not roasted vermicelli) and roast it for approx 4 mts till a nice aroma emanates the kitchen and it turns a light brown shade. Remove from pan and keep aside.
3 Take a cooking vessel, add the sago and three cups of water and cook for 5 mts, then add the roasted vermicelli and let it cook completely. Add sugar and milk and let it slowly simmer for another 7-8 mts, stirring it once in a while.
5 Add the cardamom pwd and toasted cashews and raisins. Serve warm or refrigerate until chilled. It tastes good both warm and chilled.

Kitchen Notes - You will find that once you turn off the flame and the payasam sits, the semiya will absorb the milk and the payasam will thicken. The payasam thickens even when refrigerated. So at the time of serving, add some warm milk (a few tbsps) and combine well and serve. For a rich taste, use whole milk.

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