08 April 2009



GRAM FLOUR -1/2tsp


19 February 2009

Apple Pie Recipe

1 Package Pilsbury Pie Crusts
9-10 apples, two different kinds, one Granny Smith
1/4 C Apple Juice
2 T Lemon Juice
3/4 C Sugar
1/4 C Corn Starch
dash of salt
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice

Preheat oven to 425. Roll one pie crust out into pie plate. Peel and chip apples into large mixing bowl. In separate bowl, combine all dry ingredients and stir to blend. Combine all liquid ingredients in another bowl and stir to blend. Pour dry and liquid over apples and stir well.

Place in oven and bake 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cover entire pie with foil. Cut slits in center of foil and peel back so mainly the outer edge is covered (to prevent it from burning). Reduce heat to 375 and continue baking for 45-55 minutes or until golden.



2 cups cubed and de-seeded chilled watermelon

1/2 cup chilled water

1 1/2 tbsp sugar (adjust according to the sweetness of watermelon)

1-2 tbsp lemon juice

mint leaves for garnish (optional)

1 Blend the above ingredients



250 gms tender lady’s fingers (I used baby okra, wash and pat dry with a kitchen towel, trim the top and ends)

½ inch ginger piece

¼ tsp pepper corns

1 tbsp oil

1 dry red chilli (tear into two pieces)

1 tsp cumin seeds

2 green chillis slit lengthwise

1 tsp coriander pwd

pinch of turmeric pwd or haldi

1 tbsp besan (bengal gram flour) dry roast the flour stirring constantly till it gives a roasted aroma

1 cup curds (made from skimmed milk)

salt to taste

1 Peel the ginger and make a paste of pepper corns and ginger. Keep aside. Whisk the curds and keep aside.
2 Heat oil in a cooking vessel and add the dry red chilli and cumin seeds and stir fry till the aromas come out.
3 Add the green chillis, coriander pwd, turmeric pwd, besan and stir well for a few seconds. Don’t burn it.
4 Add the trimmed and cut lady’s fingers (which have been stir fried in a tbsp of oil for 3-4 mts) and salt and cook over medium heat stirring frequently for 4-5 mts.
5 Stir in the ginger-pepper corn paste.
6 Reduce flame and add the whisked curds and mix well and cook covered for 12-15 mts stirring occasionally or till the okra is cooked and you get the desired curry consistency.
6 Serve hot with white steamed rice or chapatis.


Cut each okra into two pieces if they are long. I usually heat a tsp of oil in a pan and fry the trimmed okras for 3-4 mts stirring continuously, before adding to the spices.



1 cup sooji/upma rava/semolina

3/4 cup sugar (increase according to your choice)

1 tsp cardamom pwd

few cashewnuts

few raisins

3 tbsps ghee

few tbsps milk

1 Heat a pan, add a tbsp of ghee and toast the cashewnuts and raisins till golden brown. Remove from pan, keep aside.
2 In the same pan, add the sooji and roast it for approx 7-8 mts till a nice aroma emanates the kitchen and it turns a light brown shade. Remove from pan and keep aside.
3 Take a vessel, add sugar, cardamom pwd, roasted sooji and remaining ghee and combine well. Sprinkle few tbsps of milk and mix till it forms a crumbly mixture.
4 Using both your hands, form small ladoos and top with a roasted cashewnut and raisin. While shaping the laddos be careful such that the mixture stays together. Initially the laddu might tend to break hence be gentle and place the laddu carefully on a plate and it will harden in a few minutes.

Kitchen Notes - For variation, add a few tbsps of grated coconut (roasted in ghee). If you add coconut the shelf life is shorter. For a longer shelf life, its better to make thin sugar syrup and combine the roasted sooji in it and then prepare balls.

Ravva Ladoo ~ Semiya Payasam
Both Rava Laddu and Semiya Payasam are my entries for Sugar High Friday food event hosted by Anita of Dessert First. She chose ‘Spices’ as the theme and with aromatic cardamom being the flavor enhancer in both the recipes, they make apt entries. Srivalli is hosting JFI - Festival Treats this month and both these treats are my entries for this event too.



1/2 lt whole milk (I used skimmed)

1 cup roasted semiya/vermicelli

2-3 tbsps sago/sabhudana/saggu biyyam (optional)

1/2 - 3/4 cup sugar (adjust)

1 tsp cardamom pwd

10-12 cashewnuts

1 tbsp raisin

1 tbsp ghee

1 Heat a pan, add a tbsp of ghee and toast the cashewnuts and raisins till golden brown. Remove from pan, keep aside.
2 In the same pan, add the vermicelli (if its not roasted vermicelli) and roast it for approx 4 mts till a nice aroma emanates the kitchen and it turns a light brown shade. Remove from pan and keep aside.
3 Take a cooking vessel, add the sago and three cups of water and cook for 5 mts, then add the roasted vermicelli and let it cook completely. Add sugar and milk and let it slowly simmer for another 7-8 mts, stirring it once in a while.
5 Add the cardamom pwd and toasted cashews and raisins. Serve warm or refrigerate until chilled. It tastes good both warm and chilled.

Kitchen Notes - You will find that once you turn off the flame and the payasam sits, the semiya will absorb the milk and the payasam will thicken. The payasam thickens even when refrigerated. So at the time of serving, add some warm milk (a few tbsps) and combine well and serve. For a rich taste, use whole milk.


Sailaja shares her method of preparing ghee from homemade butter (called makhan in Hindi and vennapusa in Telugu).

Boil one liter of milk and turn off stove. Once it reaches room temperature, add a tsp of yogurt to the milk, place lid and ferment overnight. Next day, curd forms with a thick layer of cream.

Cream of yogurt or dahi (skin above yogurt) is removed each day and stored in a container and refrigerated (sometimes a little bit of yogurt also comes along with cream while removing the cream off the top of yogurt). At the end of the week, the collected cream of dahi (from cow’s milk) is brought to room temperature and churned using a wooden churner (kavvam) or ladle till the butter separates (churning could take 12-15 mts). Add 3-4 cups of water to this and continue to churn for a minute or two and the residue is a thick buttermilk. Strain the butter milk. Wash the butter (called vennapusa in Telugu) in water at least 4-5 times. This thoroughly washed butter can now be used to prepare ghee.

To prepare ghee, melt the butter in a stainless steel vessel over medium high heat. The butter will begin to melt forming a white froth on top. Now on simmer, stir occasionally and you will find that the froth will begin to thin slowly and the color of butter changing to a pale yellow shade. Continue to cook on low heat until it turns a golden color. The residue solids will settle at the bottom and the ghee which is clear, golden and translucent with a fragrant smell is ready. Filter the ghee which will solidify when completely cool. It can be stored at room temperature for 3 months or even more. Its best to prepare less quantity of ghee and finish it within a few days before preparing the next batch. That would be the best way to experience the real taste of ghee.

Step by step photos of ghee making with cream of yogurt (curd, dahi, perugu):


1 block organic, unsalted butter

Place the butter in a heavy-bottomed pot and melt on medium-low heat. Adjust the heat until it begins to bubble nicely, without going too hot. Foam will begin to accumulate quite a bit on the top, and the melted butter will be very opaque. Stir occasionally for 15 minutes until the foam starts to reduce and break up, and the milky butter begins to look like clear, golden oil. When there’s a bit of brown sediment beginning to form at the bottom of the pan, the ghee is ready. Be careful not to burn it during these final minutes of cooking. Remove from the heat and allow to cool a little.

Meanwhile, sterilize a jar and its lid in a pot of boiling water, then remove and dry with a clean towel. Then, when the ghee is cooler, gently pour into the jar through a fine metal sieve, with or without cheesecloth lining it. You only want to get the golden liquid oil and not the sediment at the bottom of the pot. Store closed; no need to refrigerate. Use as you would butter or oil, in soups, cooked vegetables, stir into cooked rice or lentil dishes, or spread on toast and tea biscuits.



250 gms paneer (cubed and lightly fried till brown in a tsp of ghee)

3 big bunches spinach (discard the coarse stems) – blanch in hot water for 2 mts and make a paste and keep aside

1 ½-2 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)

1 tsp cumin seeds

2 onions finely chopped

2 green chillis slit length wise

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

1 tsp red chilli pwd

1 tbsp coriander pwd

2 big juicy tomatoes (blanched in hot water, peeled and pureed)

1 cup water (use the water in which spinach was blanched)

salt to taste

½ tsp garam masala pwd (make a pwd of 2 cloves, 1 cardamom and 1” cinnamon stick)

1 tbsp malai (top of milk)

¼ tsp kasuri methi (optional)

1 Add ghee in a heavy bottomed vessel and add cumin seeds and let them splutter. Add the onions and green chillis sauté them till light brown. Don’t burn them.
2 Add ginger garlic paste and fry further for 3 minutes. Add red chilli pwd and coriander pwd and combine well.
3 Add the tomato paste and let it cook for 5-6 mts on medium heat. Add the palak paste and let it cook further for another 4-5 mts.
4 Add the fried paneer cubes and combine. Cook covered on low heat for 3 mts. Add the palak water and salt and cook on medium heat for 10-12 mts.
5 Add malai, garam masala pwd and kasuri methi and mix well.
6 Reduce flame, cover and cook for 2 mts.
7 Serve hot with rotis or white steamed rice or rotis.


You could also add paneer directly (without frying in ghee) to the cooked spinach. Another variation you could do with the spinach is coarsely chop the spinach and stir fry in a little ghee instead of pureeing it and add it ( instead of the palak paste). But to get the creamy consistency, you have to blanch and puree the palak



1 cup Curd (Dahi, plain non-fat Yogurt) 1 peeled and sliced ripe Banana (Kela) 2 tblsp Sugar (Cheeni) or to taste 1/4th tsp Cardamom Powder (Elaichi Powder) (optional) Few Ice-cubes

How to make banana lassi:
Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth in a blender.
Pour in glasses and serve chilled



200 ml any chilled Cola 1 scoop Vanilla Ice-cream 50 ml sweetened Milk (Doodh) 2 Ice-cubes

How to make cola shake:
In a tall thin glass add a scoop of ice-cream.
Pour the sweetened milk over it and add ice-cubes.
Now very carefully pour the cola in the glass.
See it doesn't flow out.
Serve with a spoon.



21/2 cup Water 2 Cloves (Lavang) 1 brown Cardamom (Badi Elaichi) 4 Black Pepper corns (Kalimirchi) 1 Cinnamon Stick (Tuj/Dalchini) 2 tsp Tea Leaves (Chai Patti) 11/4 cup Milk (Doodh) 2 tblsp Sugar (Cheeni) or as desired

How to make spiced tea:
Place the water, cloves, cardamom, peppercorns and cinnamon in a saucepan and bring to boil.
Stir in the tea leaves and continue to cook over a moderate heat for 2 minutes.




4 cup Cold Milk (Thanda Doodh) 1 cup boiling Water 6 tsp instant Coffee Powder 4 tblsp Cream (Malai) 3 tblsp Sugar (Cheeni) Crushed Ice

How to make cold coffee:
Dissolve instant coffee powder and sugar in boiling water and allow to cool.
Blend the the coffee mixture and milk in a blender for few seconds.
Add cream and crushed ice.
Blend for another few seconds till it becomes frothy.
Serve chilled.




1 cup Curd (Dahi, plain non-fat Yogurt) 1cup peeled and chopped Ripe Mango (Aam) 2 tblsp Sugar (Cheeni) or to taste 1/4th tsp Cardamom Powder (Elaichi Powder, optional) Few Ice-cubes

How to make mango lassi:
Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth in a blender.
Strain through a sieve, pushing as much liquid as possible.
Pour in glasses and serve.


7-8 baby potatoes peeled
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 tea spn cumin powder
1/2 tea spn coriander powder
2 tbl spn thick curd/yogurt
1-2 tea spns chili powder
1 tea spn ginger-garlic paste
1 tbl spn lemon juice

Prick with a fork or put some deep slit marks with a knife on all the potatoes.
Grind onions(preferably without water) to a smooth paste. Add onion paste and all other ingredients, except oil to the potatoes and mix well so that the potatoes get a thick coating of potatoes all over. The yogurt should be very thick so that the mixture remains thick.
Leave the potatoes for around 1hr. Heat oil in a non stick pan and add the potatoes with the masala. Close the lid and let it cook on a low flame for around 15mins.
Preheat the oven at 350F for around 5mins. Take the potatoes in a greased bake ware and broil at 350F for around 10-15mins(till the coating has turned brownish).
Serve hot with lemon juice.

Serves : 2
Preparation time: 30mins


10-12 pieces of paneer
1/2 tea spn ginger-garlic paste
7-8 curry leaves
1/2 tea spn garam masala
1/2 tea spn chili powder
1 tbl spn maida or all purpose flour
1 tea spn besan (gram flour)

Mix all the ingredients (except paneer, curry leaves and oil) with little water to get a paste. Now add paneer and mix well till all the pieces get a thick coating (if required, add more flours/spices). Leave this mixture for around 15mins.
Heat oil and deep fry the paneer pieces taking care not to break the coating.
Heat 1 tea spn oil in another pan. Add the curry leaves. Keep the paneer pieces on it, mix well so that all pieces get nice aroma of curry leaves. Fry it till the pieces get brown color. Serve hot.

Serves : 2
Preparation time: 30mins

Gobhi(cauliflower)or baby corn manchurian


8-9 pieces of cauliflower(gobhi)or babycorn
2 tea spns besan(gram flour)
1/4 spns maida or corn flour
1 tea spn ginger garlic paste
1/2 cup onion(finely chopped)
1 tea spn chili powder
1 green chilli
1 tbl spn tomato ketchup
2 tea spns soya sauce
Coriander leaves

For extra crunchiness, add 1 tea spn of rice flour in the batter.


Mix the flours with chili powder, 1/2 spn ginger-garlic paste, 1 tea spn soya sauce, mix well with little water and salt. Dip cauliflower(or babycorn) in this mixture(there should be a coating of the mixture on the vegetables) and deep fry in oil.

Heat oil and fry remaining ginger-garlic paste, onions, chili pieces till onion turns slightly brownish. Add remaining 1 tea spn soya sauce and tomato ketchup. Mix 1 tea spn maida or cornflour in water and add this to fried onions. Finally add the fried vegetable, mix well. Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot.

Serves : 2
Preparation time : 25min


Babycorns 5-6
Potato cooked and mashed 1 large
Coriander leaves 5-6 strands
Ginger-garlic paste 1 tea spn
Green chilli paste 1/2 tea spn
Soya sauce 1/2 tea spn
Corn flour 1 tbl spn
Garam masala 1/2 tea spn
Oil for deep frying

Mix all the ingredients except babycorn and oil. Take this mixture and make a thick coating on the upper half of babycorn (like lollipop). Deep fry in oil. (If required, add more corn flour so that the coating should not come out while frying).

Serves : 2
Preparation time : 30min


1 cup butter
1 and 1/4 cups sugar
1 and 1/2 cups maida or All purpose flour
1 tea spn baking powder
4 eggs
1 tea spn vanilla essence/extract

Preheat the oven at 350F for 10min.
Sieve together flour and powder. Keep it aside.
Beat sugar in butter till it becomes a smooth paste. Then add one egg at a time beating it all the time. Add essence and mix.
Add flour 1 tbl spoon at a time mixing slowly.
Grease an oven safe dish with butter. Then sprinkle some flour on it and spread the flour. Now pour the cake mixture into this dish and bake the cake for around 40min at 350F (or till a knife inserted in the cake comes out clean).

Serves : 4
Preparation time : 1hr


What you need ?

*Vegetables of your liking
*For dipping the cutlets: 1 tsp All-purpose flour or Maida mixed in warm water or egg white.

How to make ?

* Choose vegetable of your liking, I chose 2 big potatoes, 1 raw banana, 1 carrot, few beans, handful of green peas. Boil all the vegetables in microwave and allow it to cool.
* Mash the vegetables in a whisk or with your hand. Add a tsp of ginger-garlic paste, 3-4 chopped green chilies, ½ tsp of garam masala, ½ tsp red chili powder, and salt for taste. Mix everything together and make into small shapes.
* Mean while make breadcrumbs. Toast the bread and grind the bread with help of a mixer or blender.
* Dip the cutlet shapes into the flour water. Mix a tsp of maida or all-purpose flour in 5-6 tsp of water. You can also use egg white instead of flour mix.
Coat the cutlet with breadcrumbs and fry in a non-stick pan with little oil.
Serve hot with tomato ketchup.

Mong dal sidedish for chapati

1 cup Moong Dal(cooked)
2 green chillies
3 cloves,finelly chopped garlic
Lime juice(squeezed-full lemon)
1 tsp turmeric powder
Coriander leaves(chopped)
1 tbsp oil or ghee
1tsp Mustard Seeds
1 tsp Jeera
2 Red chillies
In Kadai,pour oil or ghee and add mustard seeds,jeera,chopped garlic,red chillies and green chillies.
Add turmeric powder and cooked moong dal.Add salt according to taste.
Boil with little water for sometime.Remove from the flame and add lime juice and garnish with fresh chopped coriander leaves.Serve hot with chapati.


2 Potato,chopped in cubes(big size)
1 onion,finely chopped
1 tomato
2 green chillies
10 soyachunks,soaked in hot salted water for 5 mins
1 tsp Turmeric powder
1 tbsp chilli coriander powder
2 tsp Ginger Garlic paste
2 tsp masala powder
1/2 cup coconut paste
3 tbsp oil
Salt for taste
Curry leaves for garnishing
Pour oil in cooker and add masala powder,ginger garlic paste,onion and saute it for 2 mins,then add potatoes and soya chunks.Mean while, make paste of tomato and green chillies.Add tomato chilli paste in cooker and saute for 3 mins.Add salt,Turmeric powder,Chilli and coriander powder and little water.Leave for 4-5 whistle.Later add coconut paste and boil for 5 min.Garnish with curry leaves and serve hot with chapati or poori.


Ingrediants :

1 Fistful Channa dal

1 Fistful toor dal

1 Fistful raw rice

4 tsp urad dal

1 Cup chopped sirukeerai


3 finely chopped green chilles

1 tbsp red chilli flakes


Preparations :

Soak first four ingrediants for 1 1/2 hrs and grind it coarsely.

Add remaining ingrediants with water and make it as a thick batter.

Heat pan and prepare like adai in medium fame.

Serve hot with coconut chutney or sambhar.

You can innovative by adding onions,grated carrot etc....


put dessrtspoonful of dry mustard into a cupand mix it into a smooth paste with a little cold water.
Add a teasdpoon of vinegar ,and a pinch each of sugar and salt .If preferred the vingear and sugar may be omitted.

17 February 2009


Whole Milk - 1 liter
Lemon - 2nos.
All purpose flour - 2tsp
Sugar - 1 1/2cups
Water - 3cups


Extract juice from the lemons. Boil whole milk in a big pot on low-medium heat, stirring occasionally. When the milk starts to boil, add lemon juice.After the milk starts to curdle.Turn off the stove and pour them into a cheese cloth. Wash four or five times in cold water to rinse out all the lemon juice from curdled milk. Tie a knot and hang them over a kitchen sink to drain out the whey. This should take about 1 to 2 hours. The cheese should be dry.

Process the cheese with 2 tsp of flour in a processor(for no more than a minute). Remove the mixture on to a plate. Slightly knead the mixture and divide the mixture into 16 equal parts and roll each part into a ball, taking care that there are no cracks on the surface. Place the cheese balls on a plate dusted with flour.

Pour 3 cups of water in a pressure cooker. Add sugar and bring to a boil on medium heat. When the sugar comes to a boil, gently drop the cheese balls to the sugar syrup. Close the cooker(I use a 4 liter, steel cooker from Prestige). Cook on medium heat throughout.After the first whistle, wait for 5-6 minutes and turn off the stove. Open the cooker after the pressure has come down. Cool before transferring them to a container and refrigerate. Serve cold.

1. Make sure you do not overcook the rasgullas, they might break apart.
2. For syrup you can use rose essence or cardamom powder or Saffron.
3. If you are using one gallon of milk which will yield about 40 to 45 sphere, make sure u cook only by batches of 12 to 15 depending on the size of your pressure cooker, because the spheres double in volume when cooked. And do not use the same syrup for the second batch.


Roasted Onion & Bell Pepper Pizza
Yields one 8" pizza

For the crust:
All purpose flour - 3/4cup
Dry Yeast - 3/4tsp.
Sugar - 3/4tsp.
Salt - 1/3tsp.
Warm water - 1/3cup
Olive oil

For the sauce:
Onion, chopped - 1nos.
Tomatos, deseeded & chopped - 2nos.
Garlic cloves - 1big or 3 small
Chilli powder - 1/4tsp.(optional)
Italian Seasoning - 1/2tsp or as required
Olive oil
Salt to taste

For Topping:
Onion, skin on - 1small
Bell Pepper - 1small
Mozarella cheese, shredded - 1/2-3/4cup


Add yeast & sugar to warm water and keep aside for 10min. Add flour & salt to it and knead to a soft dough adding olive oil. Add more water if required. Place the dough in a well oiled bowl. Brush the the dough with more oil and keep covered in a warm place to rise. After about 30-45min, when the dough has doubled in size, punch it down. Knead it for a min and again keep covered in a warm place to rise. But this time for an hour & a half.

For the sauce, heat a little olive oil and fry the crushed garlic for a min or so. Add the onions & fry till translucent. Add tomatoes and let it simmer uncovered over a low flame till the sauce thickens. Add chilli powder & cook for another 1 min and switch of the flame. Cool and grind it to a finer consistency. Season with Italian herbs & salt.

Both the pizza dough & sauce can be prepared a day earlier and refrigerated( frozen in case of dough). Only thing to remember is to well thaw the dough & warm the sauce before using.

Bell pepper & Onions can be roasted by keeping it directly over burner flame. Roast till the vegetables are charred evenly on all sides. Cool. Remove skin, wash & slice the veggies.

Preheat the oven to 210 degree Celsius.

Knead the dough lightly & place it on a floured surface. Roll out using a rolling pin or spread out using fingers. Prick the dough all over using a fork & brush lightly with olive oil. Now spread the sauce over the base followed by the sliced veggies and finally the cheese.

Next brush the hot tray with oil & gently slide the pizza onto the tray. Bake for 20-25min or till the cheese melts & the crust is well browned. For a more browner & tastier crust you can brush the crust with more oil halfway while baking.

Remove from oven & cool slightly. Slice & serve



1/4-prawns cleaned and boiled
1/2-a cocount
juice of one lime
salt to taste
3-4-red onions
1 1/2-tsp pepper


Grind prawns,cocount and red onions finely.Grind cumin seeds and pepper.Mix together .Add egg, lime juice ,salt and more pepper to taste.

Form into balls the size of a large marble .Flatten slightly,fry in very hot oil.Drain and serve hot.



1/2-kilo stoned dates
1-cup of sugar
1/4-kilo flour
1-cup of milk
1-teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1-teaspoon baking powder
1-cup chopped cashewnuts
1/4-kilo butter or margarine
1/4 tsp.each nutmeg and cinnamom

Method :

Cream the butter and sugar together .Add the eggs ,one at a time and beat the mixture well.
Mix in the flour gradually .chop the dates and cashewnuts finely,and add to the mixture. Then add the milk to make a batter that will just drop from the spoon .Grease a baking tray and pour the cake mixture into it ,and bake till golden brown.




2 cups Basmati Rice
1 cup Mixed Vgetable (cauliflower, potato, carrot, french beans)
150 gms Green Peas
3 Finely Sliced Onion
2 Finely Sliced Green Chillies
Salt to taste
1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
2 tsp Cinnamon(dalchini), Caraway Seeds(zeera)
4 Cloves (laung)
1/2 tsp Black Pepper Powder
4 Tomato
1/2 cup Yogurt (curd)
4 tbsp Vegetable Oil
1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds
3 tbsp Dry Fruits (cashew nuts, raisin)

How to make vegitable biryani :

• Wash the basmati rice well before cooking.Then take rice with 3-3/4 cup water and a little salt added to it and 2 tbsp of dry fruits.Cook it in pressure cooker or in a pan or microwave.
• Cut all the vegetables into small thin pieces and fry each one of it separately in oil. Fry the green peas also.
• Take 1 tblsp oil in a pan and add mustard seeds, green chilli, cinnamon and caraway seeds powder, cloves, black pepper powder and stir for about half minute. Then add onions and saute them for a minute ot till they get pink in color.
• Add salt and red chilli powder and stir.
• Add fine chopped tomatoes and fry till they are properly cooked.
• Take the yogurt and make it fine by putting in a blender for just 2 rotations. Add this fine yogurt and stir well.Heat it for about 10 seconds.
• Add all the fried vegetables.
• Add the cooked rice and mix well with very light hands so that the rice grain doesn't break. Cook for about 3 minutes.
• Take this vegetable biryani out in a rice serving dish.
• Garnish with dry fruits and green coriander leaves.
• Serve the vegetable (veg ) biryani hot with raita and pickle


Tomato rice is a very delicious and simple to prepare recipe. Pureed tomatoes are sauted with spices and then added to rice.


2 large tomatoes made into a thick puree.
1 cup basmati rice, washed and soaked for ten minutes
1 whole black cardamom (bari ilaichi)
1 tsp red chili powder (lal mirch )
Salt to taste
1 tsp garam masala powder.
1 tblsp ghee
2 cup water


• Heat ghee in a heavy bottom vessel
• Put in the whole black cardamom and then the tomato puree.
• Now add the dry spices, salt and saute.
• Put in the rice and mix well.
• Finally add the water and cook covered till done.
• Seve hot.


Tamarind is a popular rice recipe of the south India. Tamarind or imli as it known otherwise makes this dish tangy.


2 cups basmathi rice
1/2 cup tamarind juice
salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp jaggery powder
1 tsp fenugreek
a pinch of asafoetida
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp channa dhal
6 red chilly
100 gms sesame oil(as needed)
a bunch of curry leaves
1 tsp peanuts
How to make tamarind rice:

• Pressure Cook the rice and spread on a plate. keep aside.
• Heat the non-stick skillet add fenugreek and asafoetida dry fry (without oil) for a minute.
• Grind this into a fine powder. Set aside.
• To the tamarind juice add salt, turmeric powder, jaggery, ground powder of fenugreek and asafoetida.
• Fry mustard, red chillies, channa dhal, peanuts and curry leaves in sesame oil.
• Pour into the tamarind juice mixture.
• Boil tamarind juice till it reaches thick gravy form and until oil comes out with good flavour.
• Add cooked tamarind gravy to the rice.
• Pour in 1 tsp. of oil, if needed. Mix well and serve.



2cups boiled Rice
1/3rd cup Lemon Rice
6Tbsp Oil
1/2tsp Black Mustard seeds
Few curry leaves
3-4 green chilies
Salt to taste
1/4th tsp. turmeric powder
1/4th cup peanuts

How to make lemon rice:

• Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds, allow to splutter.
• Add turmeric powder and peanuts, fry till brown.
• Now add green chilies, curry leaves, salt and fry for 2 minutes.
• Take it off from the flame and add lemon juice and mix well.
• Now add this to the boiled rice and mix well.Lemon rice is ready to be served.


This is a typical Indian fried ric recipe.Spices and ghee is added to the boiled rice.


400 gm Rice
100 gm Ghee or butter
65 gms onion
2 gms cinnamon
2 gms Bay leaf
1 gm peppercorns
6 gms Salt

How to make fried rice:

• Heat the ghee in a large saucepan and add the finely sliced onion.
• Fry till golden brown, remove from the pan and keep aside.
• To the hot fat, add the washed and drained rice and the spices.
• Keep stirring and fry for 4-5 minutes till the rice appears glazed. Add salt and boiling water an inch above the rice.
• Boil and simmer till the water is almost absorbed and then put into a very slow oven at 250 degree and leave for 20-25 minutes till the rice is cooked.
• Serve garnished with fried onions. Hard-boiled eggs cut in slices may also be used as a garnish.


This is a very delicious and nutritious recipe of carrot rice made from groundnuts, carrots and spices like cinnamon and cloves.


2 cup rice
2 onion
5 carrot
2 tsp fried groundnuts
2 tsp oil
a small piece of cinnamon
1 tsp broken block gram
2 nos cloves
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp bengal gram
a few sprigs curry leaves
Salt as per taste

For Masala:

1 1/2 tsp coriander seeds
3/4 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp grated coconut
4 nos red chillies

How to make carrot rice:

• Heat the pan, pour the 1 tsp oil. Add red chillies, coriander seeds, cumin seeds and fry till it turns brown.
• Add grated coconuts and remove from the heat. Grind it after it cools down.
• Grind seperately, the fried groundnuts coarsely.
• Cook the rice and let it cool.
• Put the carrots in warm water. Grate it without peeling the skin.
• Heat oil in a pan. Add cloves, cinnamon, mustard, broken block gram and Bengal gram. Fry them.
• Add curry leaves and chopped onions. Once the onion is cooked, add the grated carrots. Fry till the carrots are cooked.
• Add rice and fry in a low flame. Add salt and the ground masala powder. Mix it well with the rice.
• Finally add groundnut powder and remove from the flame. Serve hot


This is a South Indian recipe for coconut rice. Fried coconut and cashewnuts are added to boiled rice and garnished with ghee and coriander leaves.


400 gms biryani rice
120 gms coconut
40 ml ghee
25 gms black gram dhal
25 gms broken pieces of nuts
6 gms dry chillies
2 gms curry leaves
2.5 gms asafoetida powder
20 gms (minced) coriander leaves
Salt to taste

How to make coconut rice:

• Boil rice and keep aside.
• Fry coconut evenly to a golden colour on a slow fire.
• Heat 3 dessertspoon of ghee. Fry the cashewnuts and remove.
• Fry the broken pieces of dry chillies, black gram dhal, and curry leaves well.
• Mix rice, coconut, nuts, 1 teaspoon of ghee and salt.
• Serve hot garnished with coriander leaves.


Learn how to make palak rice by cooking spinach and rice with onion, tomatoes and garam masala.


1/2 bunch (cut into small pieces) palak
a pod garlic
a small piece of ginger
1 chopped onion
1 tomato
a few sprigs of curry leaves
1 mashed potato
1 cup basamathi rice
salt to taste
1/2 tblsp garam masala powder (optional)

For Seasoning

1 tblsp mustard
1/2 tblsp urud and channa dal
1/2 tblsp green chillies and red chillies (cut into pieces)

How to make palak rice:

• First wash and cut the palak into small pieces and keep aside.
• Then cook the basmathi rice and set aside.
• Now take a wok, pour some oil and when the oil is hot, add all the seasoning ingredients and fry till done.
• Now add the onions, tomatoes and cut palak and nicely mix and close with a lid.
• Let the whole thing cook very well.
• When it is done, add garam masala powder if you want and saute for a minute.
• Take it wok from fire and add the rice and mix it well.
• Take a wok, pour some oil and put the mashed potatoes and roast it slightly and when done add the curry leaves and put into palak rice and mix well.
• Serve with raita.



EGG SALAD RECIPEt.com/_vmZkvOumsc8/SZqcXd9mJsI/AAAAAAAAAEc/0aUbvB1ljp0/s320/egg+salad.jpg" border="0"


6 eggs (fully boiled)
2 boiled Potatoes
1 Capsicum 1 onion (thinly sliced into rings)
1 Tomato (thinly sliced into rings)
2tsp lemon juice
salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
Finely Chopped coriander leaves

• Cut eggs into halves.
• Take out the yolk and mash with boiled potatoes.
• Mix salt, pepper, lemon juice and chopped coriander.
• Fill eggs whites with the mixture.
• Serve the egg salad in a tray garnished with onion, tomatoes, chopped capsicum & coriander.



3 Bananas
1 Apple
2 Orange
1Ripe Mango
1 Bunch Green Grapes
1/4th cup Pomegranate seeds
Few canned Cherries
1 Guava
1/2 cup sugar (or to taste)
1 lemon juice


• Peel and cut all fruits into banana and apple in the end to avoid browns.
• Pour lemon juice immediately on fruits.
• In a little water add sugar and half melt it on heat.
• Mix melted sugar to the fruits. Refrigerate it and serve the fruit salad chilled.
• Note: Salt and chaat masala can also be used



50gms French beans
3-4 carrots
1 small cabbage
100gms Broccoli (cut into florets)
1 Capsicum
salt to taste
1 Tomato (cut into thin rings)
2 green chilies(slit vertically)
Finely Chopped coriander leaves
1 lemon juice
Black pepper powder to taste

• Cut and Steam the vegetables.
• Add tomatoes, green chilies salt, pepper powder and lemon juice, and mix well.
• Garnish with coriander leaves.



1cup Long Grain (Basmati) boiled Rice
1Apples diced
1small cup boiled green peas
Few Cauliflower florets boiled
1 lemon juice
salad leaves to garnish
Cabbage (shredded) for garnishing
salt & pepper to taste


• After boiling rice.
• In cool rice add apples, green peas, cauliflower florets, salt and pepper.
• Now add lemon juice and toss well and transfer to serving dish lined with salad leaves.
• Garnish rice salad with shredded cabbage and coriander leaves.



10-12 Salad leaves
1 small cabbage (shredded)
1 Onion (Thinly sliced into rings)
1 Cucumber (Sliced into rings)
2-3 Carrots (peeled and thinly sliced)
1 Radish (peeled and thinly sliced)
1 banana (cut into rings)
1 Guava sliced
1 apple thinly sliced
1 tomato (thinly sliced into rings)
2tsp lemon juice
Salt to taste
Chaat masala to taste


• Take big plate and arrange salad leaves.
• Add shredded cabbage, onions, carrot, cucumber, and radish.
• Now arrange tomato, banana, apples, and guavas.
• Sprinkle salt and chaat masala. Pour lemon juice.



8-10 pieces boneless chicken nuggets
1 bunch Lettuce (Kasmisaag) (chopped)
1/2 bunch mint leaves (pudina leaves) (chopped)
2 tsp vinegar (sirka)
1/2 tsp pepper
4 tsp mayonnaise
2 eggs (hard boiled, shelled)
salt (namak) to taste

How to make chicken salad:
• Boil chicken nuggets in a little water till tender.
• Drain all water.
• Mix lettuce, mint leaves, vinegar, pepper, mayonnaise and salt with it.
• Garnish with eggs rings.



2 tomato (tamatar) (chopped) 1/4 cucumber (kheera) (chopped) 1 spring Onion (Pyaj) (chopped) 1/2 raddish (chopped) 1 cup yoghurt a pinch of salt (namak) 1 dry red chilli (lal mirch) (chopped)

How to make vegetable yogurt salad:
• Mix all ingredients in a bowl.



1/2 cup paneer (mashed)
1/4 cup mayonnaise
6-7 pieces dated (stone removed)
6 pieces canned peach (aadoo)
1/4 cup cashew nut (kaju) (roasted)
1/4 bunch lettuce (kasmisaag) (chopped)
1 Tomato (Tamatar) (sliced)
2 tsp green chutney
1 tsp Tomato (Tamatar) chutney

How to make fruit and nut salad:
• Mix paneer, mayonnaise, lettuce and green chutney and make a layer of it in a flat bowl.
• Mix dates, tomato chutney, peaches, cashew buts and place it over the 1st layer.
• Garnish with tomato slices.




• 1 c Whole wheat flour (or 1/3 white + 2/3 whole wheat)
• 1/2 c Water

Put flour in a large bowl with half the water. Blend the two together until it holds. Beat and knead well until it forms a compact ball. Knead dough until it is smooth and elastic. Set aside for 30 minutes. Knead and divide dough into 4 to 6 parts. Roll each ball till it is well rolled out. Warm a skillet and put phulka on it, and let it cook for about 1 minute (The top should just start to look dry and small bubbles should just start to form). Turn and cook the second side for 2/3 minutes until small bubbles form. Turn again and cook the first side pressed lightly with a towel. It should puff. Serve warm (maybe slightly buttered).
Since the rolled out chappati's will dry out if they are left to stand while cooking the others, it is advantageous to roll them out individually before cooking them.


• 1 cup Whole wheat flour
• Oil
• Water

Make chappati dough. Divide into 6 parts and make balls. Flatten and roll each. Spread ghee over them and fold. Roll again. Heat the paratha on a griddle like you would a chappati, but spread some ghee over the top side. Turn and spread ghee on the other side. Fry until the bottom is crisp and golden, then turn and fry the remaining side. Repeat with all six. Serve at once, since they lose crispness if stored.


Make dough for regular chappati's.
Potato - Boil potatoes, mash, add salt and chili to taste. Add Garam Masala and mango powder. Radish - Grate one large Diakon Radish, add salt and leave for 1/2 hour. Squeeze out all the water, add grated ginger, chili, and pomegranate seeds. Cauliflower - Grate cauliflower, add salt, pepper, garlic, and Garam Masala.
Roll out 2 small chappati's. Place filling on one, cover with the second, seal edges and cook as for parathas.


• 1/2 kg wheat flour, sieved.
• 4 tbsps gram flour, sieved.
• 1 cup methi leaves, chopped.
• 2 spring onions, chopped finely.
• 3 tbsps curds, well beaten.
• Ghee.
• Salt to taste.

Mix wheat flour with gram flour, salt, curds, 1 tbsp ghee, onions and methi leaves. Mix well. Add enough water to make a stiff dough. Reserve for 30 minutes. Make into lemon-sized balls. Roll each into a 12 cms disc. Cook on a hot greased griddle till browned on both sides. Serve hot, dotted with butter.



For the dough:
1 1/2 teacups plain flour (maida) 1 1/2 teacups whole wheat flour 2 teacups chopped spinach 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoon ghee 1 teaspoon salt
To be mixed into a stuffing:
1 teacup grated cauliflower 1 teacup crumbled paneer 2 tablespoons chopped coriander 3 to 4 green chillies, chopped 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped ginger Salt to taste
For cooking:

For the dough: Blend the spinach and lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of water in a liquidiser. Sieve the flours with the salt. Add the ghee and mix well. Add the spinach mixture. Make a semi-soft dough by adding enough water.
Method: Divide the dough into 6 portions. Roll out one portion of the dough, put about 2 teaspoons of the stuffing in the centre and seal the edges. Roll out again into a thick paratha. Cook on a hot tawa (griddle) on both sides using a little ghee until pink spots come on top. Repeat for the remaining dough portions and stuffing. *Serve hot.


Serve them with chole.
500 grams plain flour (maida) 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar 20 grams fresh yeast or 2 teaspoons dry yeast 2 tablespoons fresh curds 25 grams ghee or margarine or butter 1 teaspoon salt Oil for deep frying
Sieve the flour very well. Mix the sugar and yeast in 1 teacup of warm water and stir until the yeast dissolves. Cover and wait for 5 to 7 minutes until the mixture is full of froth. Add this liquid along with the curds, ghee and salt to the flour and make a soft dough by adding some more water. Knead the dough for at least 6 to 7 minutes. Keep the dough under a wet cloth for 30 minutes. Knead for 1 minute. Divide the dough into 20 small pieces and roll out puris with the help of a little ghee. Deep fry the puris in oil. *Serve hot.


For the dough (using yeast):
1 * teacups plain flour (maida) 1 * teacups whole wheate flour 1 teaspoon sugar 2 teaspoons fresh yeast or 1 teaspoon dry yeast 1 tablespoon ghee 1 teaspoon salt
For the dough(without use of yeast):
1 * teacups plain flour (maida) 1 * teacups whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon sugar 1 level teaspoon baking powder 3 to 4 tablespoons fresh curds 1 tablespoon ghee 1 teaspoon salt
For the stuffing:
2 teacups boiled and mashed green peas 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 tablespoons chopped coriander 3 green chillies, chopped 4 teaspoons amchur powder 1 tablespoon ghee salt to taste Ghee for frying

For the dough (using yeast):
Sieve the flours with the salt. Make a well in the centre. Then add the sugar and ghee and mix well. Crumble the yeast and put in the well. Pour * teacup of warm water over the yeast.Wait for 5 minutes or until bubbles appear on top. Mix the yeast with the flour. Add enough water to make a semi-soft dough. Knead well for 6 minutes and then keep aside for 20 to 30 minutes or until double in size.
For the dough (without use of yeast):
Sieve the flours with the salt. Make a well in the centre. Then add the sugar and ghee and mix well. Add the baking powder and then add the curds on top.Wait for 1 minute until bubbles appear on top. Make a semi-soft dough by adding enough water. Knead well for 2 minutes and then keep aside for at least 3 to 4 Hours.
For the stuffing: Heat the ghee and fry the cumin seeds until they begin to crackle. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
How to proceed:
Knead the dough and divide into 8 portions. Roll out each portion of the dough into a small thick round. Spread a little stuffing on one round, fold the edges towards the centre and close.Roll out again. Repeat for the remaining rounds and stuffing. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes. Fry the puris with a little ghee in a shallow frying pan. Press and fry on one side, and then repeat for the other side. Serve Hot


2 teacups plain flour 1 teacup milk 1 tablespoon melted ghee 1 teaspoon salt
For the stuffing:
500 grams grated cauliflower 100 grams grated paneer 3 chopped green chillies 2 tablespoons chopped coriander 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger Salt to taste Butter or ghee.

For the parathas: Mix all the ingredients and make a dough. Roll out small thin oblong parathas and bake them on tawa very lightly.
For the stuffing: Mix all the ingredients together.
How to proceed: Put a little stuffing in the centre of each paratha and close like an envelope. Cook on a tawa on both sides with butter until pink spots come on top. Repeat for the remaining parathas. Variation :MINT PARATHAS. Instead of milk, you can prepare the dough using mint leaves water. Mint leaves water can be made by blending mint leaves, water and a little lemon juice in a mixer.



Quantity Ingredients
1 Litre Milk
1 Cup Milk powder
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 Tsp Baking powder
4 Cardamons powdered
Few slices Pista & Badam
Few drops Rose water
1/4 Tsp Kesar [Saffron]


Bring milk and sugar to a boil and cook until the mixture becomes slightly thick. In the mean time blend together milk powder and baking powder, until it becomes a ball. Do not knead too much. Just get the ingredients together. Next make balls out of this mixture and flatten them and drop them into the boiling milk mixture. Mix in the elaichi powder and rose water. Cook till the balls become double the size. Garnish with pista and badam and serve either at room temperature or cold.


Quantity Ingredients
1 Cup Fried gram
11/2 Cup Sugar
2 Cups Ghee
2 Tbsp Elaichi powder

Other ingredients: A few fried cashews

Fry the gram and powder it until it is real fine. Sieve. Powder the sugar and add to this powder. Add fried cashews in ghee. Add the rest of the melted ghee and elaichi powder. Mix all of it well and make it into balls. Serve.


Quantity Ingredients
1 Cup Channa dhal powder[Besan]
2 Cups Sugar
2 Cups Ghee


Dissolve the besan in ghee. Make sure there are no lumps. Next in a pan take some water and add the sugar to it and stir until a syrup is formed. Now gradually add the besan mixture to this boiling sugar syrup and stir continuously, to make sure it does not form lumps. Keep stirring until a net like design forms. Take the pan off the stove and pour into a greased plate. Let it set. Cut into 2" pieces and serve.

Carrot Halwa

Quantity Ingredients
1 Cup Grated Carrots
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Milk
1 Tsp Elaichi Powder
2 Tbsp Ghee
2 Tbsp Badam and Cashews


Cook grated carrot in milk till soft and dry. Add sugar and cook until dry. Add elaichi powder and saffron. Fry the nuts in ghee and add to the halwa. Garnish with varq and serve hot with Vanilla ice-cream.

Badam Halwa

Quantity Ingredients
1 Cup Roasted and Powdered Badam
1 Cup Milk Powder
11/2 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Milk
1 Tsp Elaichi Powder
6 Tbsp Ghee
2 Tbsp Badam


Cook the powdered badam in milk till soft and dry. Add sugar and cook until dry. Add elaichi powder. Add 4 tbsp of ghee and cook until it rolls into a ball, stirring constantly. Fry the nuts in ghee and add to the halwa. Garnish with varq and serve.

Pushnikai Halwa[White Pumpkin Halwa]

Quantity Ingredients
1 Cup Grated Pumkin[White]
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Milk
1 Tsp Elaichi Powder
2 Tbsp Ghee
2 Tbsp Badam and Cashews


Grate the pumpkin and keep aside. Once the water drains out, squeeze out the rest of the water. Fry the grated pumpkin in ghee and then add milk and cook till soft and dry. Add sugar and cook until dry. Add elaichi powder. Fry the nuts in ghee and add to the halwa. Garnish with varq and serve hot.

Channa Dhal Kheer

Quantity Ingredients
2 Cups Channa Dhal
2 Cups Coconut Milk
3 Cups Jaggery
1 Tbsp Ghee
1 Tbsp Elaichi Powder
1/2 Cup Chopped Coconut


Fry the chopped coconut in ghee and keep aside. Soak the channa dhal in warm water for 1/2 hour and pressure cook. Next in a pan take coconut milk and cook the channa dhal in it. Next add jaggery and cook till all of the jaggery has melted and blended in with the channa dhal and become a little thick. Add elaichi powder and ghee. Add the fried coconuts and serve.

You can also substitute channa dhal for equal portions of thur dhal and moong dhal and follow the same procedure.

Broken Wheat Kheer

Quantity Ingredients
2 Cups Broken Wheat
1 Cup Moong Dhal
4 Cups Jaggery
1 Tbsp Ghee
1 Tbsp Elaichi Powder
1/2 Cup Chopped Cashews & Raisins
3 Cups Milk


Pressure cook the broken wheat and moong dhal with milk. Next in a pan take jaggery and add a little water to it and cook till the jaggery dissolves in it. Add the broken wheat and moong dhal mixture to it and cook until it becomes a little thick. Add elaichi powder. Fry the cashews and raisins in ghee and add to the kheer and serve.

Pistachio Kulfi

Quantity Ingredients
4 Cups Milk
11/2 Cups Sugar
1 Tbsp Cornflour
3/4 Cup Khoya
3 Tbsp Blanched Pista
1 Tsp Saffron


Bring the milk to a boil and cook until it reduces to half. Next add the sugar, safforn, khoya, pista and cornflour and mix well and let it thicken. Allow it a cool for about 5 minutes and pour it into kulfi moulds and refrigerate. Serve cold.

Rice Rasgullas

Quantity Ingredients
2 Cups Cooked Rice
1 Tbsp Raisin
1 Tin Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 Tbsp Chopped Pistas and Badam
1 Tbsp Elaichi Powder
1 Tbsp Ghee


Mash rice well without adding water. Divide into portions and make into balls and fry in ghee. Add powderes cardamon to condensed milk and heat. Place the rice balls in this mixture and simmer till done. Garnish with raisins and nuts fried




1 loaf Bread
1/2 cup grated Paneer (Cottage Cheese)
1 Tomatoes
1 Onions
2 Green chillies
1/4 tsp Red chilli powder
Salt to taste
Butter as needed

How to make paneer sandwich :

• Chop onions, chillies and tomatoes.
• Mix the grated paneer with chopped vegetables, salt, red chilli powder and keep aside.
• Take two bread slices and butter them, put some paneer mixture on one slice and cover it with other bread slice.
• Put this in sandwich toaster until the bread turns crispy and brown.
• Serve with ketchup

350 gms Paneer How to make paneer
2 tsp Salt
1 Egg
1/2 cup Corn Flour
1 tsp Ginger-Garlic Paste
2 cups Coarsely Chopped Onions
2 tbsp Sliced Green Chillies
1 tbsp Soya Sauce
2 tbsp Vinegar
1/4 tsp Ajinomoto
Oil for frying
Little Water

How to make chilly paneer:

• Cut the paner into cubes.
• Mix together the cottage cheese, 1 tsp salt, egg, corn flour, garlic, ginger and water to just coat the paneer pieces with the mixture.
• Heat oil in a pan and fry the paneer pieces caoted with mixture till golden in color.
• Heat 2 tbsp of the oil in a wok and stir fry the onions in it over high heat for half a minute.
• Add the green chillies, salt, soya sauce, vinegar, ajinomoto and the fried paneer cubes.
• Mix well, and garnish the chilli paneer with finely cut spring onions and coriander.



200 gms Paneer How to make paneer
1 tbsp Oil
1/4 tsp Cumin seeds
2 Green Chillies
1 Small Onion
1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
1/2 tsp Garam Masala Powder
1 tsp Ginger-Garlic Paste
1 medium Tomato
1/2 tsp Salt


• Chop the onions, tomatoes and chillies finely.
• Heat oil in a deep bottomed pan, add the cumin seeds, chopped onions and the ginger garlic paste, fry till brown.
• Add the chillies and tomatoes and fry till they are soft and pulpy.
• Add turmeric powder, garam masala powder, salt and little water so that all the masalas are well combined.
• Add grated paneer and fry for 5 minutes till the paneer blends into the masala.
• Garnish with chopped coriander and serve hot


List of Indian Spices

Indian Name English Name
Achaar Pickle
Ajwain Carom Seeds or Omum
Aloo Potato
Amchoor Dried Mango Powder
Anaar Pomegranate
Anaardana Pomegranate Seeds
Aatta Whole Wheat Flour
Badaam Almonds
Besan Gram Flour
Bhutta Corn Cobs
Channa Bengal Gram
Channe Ki Dal Split Gram
Chillah Pancake
Dahi Yogurt
Dalchini Cinnamon
Dhania Coriander
Dhania Saboot Coriander Seeds
Garam Masala Mixed Spices
Gobi Cauliflower
Haldi Turmeric
Hing Asafoetida
Chotti Elaichi Green Cardamom
Imli Tamarind
Kaju Plain Cashews [unsalted]
Kala-namak Rock Salt
Kali Mirch Black Pepper
Kali Mirch
Saboot Black Pepper Corns
Kalonji Onion Seeds
Karela Bitter Gourd
Methi Dry Fenugreek Seeds
Kesar Saffron
Kheera Cucumber
Khoya Dried Whole Milk
Kishmish Raisins
Laung Cloves
Lehson Garlic
Magaz Kernels of seeds of cucumber, melon, watermelon and pumpkin mixed
Maida All Purpose Flour
Malai Cream of Milk
Masoor ki
dal Lentil
Matar Peas
Methi Dana Fenugreek Seeds
Methi Saag Fenugreek Leaves
Mooli Radish
Moong Ki Dhal Split Green Gram
Moti Elaichi Brown Cardamom
Nariyal Coconut
Nariyal Ka
Burada Dessicated Coconut
Palak Spinach
Panner Cottage Cheese
Pista Pistachio Nuts
Pudina Mint Leaves
Rajmah Red Kidney Beans
Rai Black Mustard Seeds
Raita Yogurt mixed with spices, vegetables or fruit
Sabzi Vegetables
Saunf Aniseed
Seviyan Vermicelli
Sirka Vinegar
Suji or Rava Semolina
Tej Patta Bey Leaf
Til Sesame Seeds
Urad Dhuli Split Black Beans
Urad Saboot Whole Black Beans
Vanaspati Solid Vegetable Fat
Zeera Cumin Seeds
Zeera-Bhuna Roasted Cumin Seeds

List of Kitchen Equipment

Indian Name English Name
Pateela Pots
Karahi or
Kadhahi Deep frying pan with handles like a Chinese wok
Karchhi A ladle used for stirring
Tawa Girdle
Chimta Tongs
Pauni Perforated frying spoon
Paraat A utensil in which the dough is kneaded
Chekla-Belan Chakla is a round marble or wooden platform. Belan is the rolling pin.




6 cup Rice Cereal
1 packet Marshmallows
3 tblsp Butter or Margarine
Vegetable Cooking Spray

How to make kisses:
• As per the directions on cereal box make treats.
• Let the mixture to cool slightly.
• Mold it in the funnel.
• To make it cool completely place the mixture on waxed paper.
• Label each strip of paper to say "a kiss for you!".
• Wrap it and strip in aluminum foil.
• Present as a gift to your valentine.



2 1/2 cup Water or Fruit Juice
4 packet Strawberry, Raspberry or Cherry

How to make hearts:
• Mix water and gelatin in 2-quart glass measure.
• Heat in a microwave at high level for 3 to 5 minutes.
• Stir until gelatin is dissolved.
• Pour the mixture into heart shaped molds.
• Refrigerate it till gelatin is set fully.
• Unmold heart shapes.



1 Egg
1/3 cup Milk
3 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt (Namak)
1/2 cup sliced Almond (Badam)
1/3 cup garnulated Sugar (Cheeni)
1/4 cup Applesauce
2 tblsp melted Butter or Margarine
1 tsp Almond Extract
2 cup all-purpose Flour (Atta)
4 1/2 tsp Strawberry or Raspberry Preserves
Powdered Sugar (Cheeni)

How to make i-love-you scones:
• Grease a cookie sheet..
• Slightly beat egg in a bowl..
• Pour in milk, applesauce, butter and almond extract..
• Pour in all the remaining ingredients except preserves and powdered sugar just until moistened..



Bread (sliced)
Cheese (sliced)
Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter

How to make toasted heartshaped sandwiches:
• Cut bread slices into heart shape with a help of a cookie cutter.
• Cut cheese.
• Place the bread heart shapes on a baking sheet.
• Next place the cheese on the bread.
• If desired drizzle paprika on top.
• Cook in the oven till the cheese is melted, it will take about 3 minutes.
• Take out of the oven.
• Serve hot.



Jam (strawberry or raspberry)

How to make heartshaped sandwiches:
• Shape bread into heart shape using a cookie cutter.
• Spread favorite jam such as raspberry or strawberry over the heart shaped bread




1 fresh coconut (grated)
3 fresh green chilies or as per taste
2 tbsp cilantro or coriander leaves (chopped)
1 tbsp lemon or lime juice
1 tbsp split peas (roasted)
3/4 cup plain yogurt
Salt To Taste

Hoe to make coconut coriander chutney :
• Grind coarsely all the ingredients in a blender and serve



200 gms grated carrots
2 tbsp grated coconut
1 bunch coriander leaves chopped
4 green chillies
1 tsp lemon juice
Salt To Taste
grounded pepper as per taste

How to make carrot coconut chutney :
• Grind all the ingredients to a smooth consistency



1 cup peeled onions
6 -7 flakes of garlic
2 tbs channa daal (Bengal Gram)
5 red chilies or as per taste
Salt As Per Taste
1tsp mustard seeds
curry Leaves
little tamarind (Imli)

How to make onion chutney (pyaaz ki chutney) :

• Heat oil, fry chilies, daal, garlic and the onions, till golden brown.
• Grind with tamarind and salt.
• Splutter mustard seeds and curry leaves, in oil and pour on top.
• Serve with paratha or puri.



6 to 8 large cloves garlic finely chopped
1/4 cup spring onion whites chopped
1 tbsp finely chopped spring onion greens
2 dry red chilies, soaked
1 cup tomatoes, finely chopped
1 tbsp finely chopped coriander
1 tsp oil
Salt To Taste


• Drain the soaked chillies and chop them finely.
• Heat the oil, add the onions and garlic and sauté over a slow flame for 4 to 5 minutes till they are lightly brown.
• Add the chillies and salt and sauté again.
• Add the tomatoes and cook for 10 to 12 minutes over a slow flame till the tomatoes are soft and can be mashed lightly.
• Cool completely and add the coriander and spring onion greens and mix well.
• Serve tomato chutney chilled or at room temperature.



1 kg Tomatoes (Tamatar)
1 teaspoon Red chili pepper (Lal Mirchi)
30 grams fresh Ginger (Adrak) (2 tsps long strips)
2 cloves Garlic (Lasun), chopped
60 grams Raisins (Kishmish) (4 tsps)
2 teaspoons Salt (Namak)
1 Onion (Pyaj)
240 grams Sugar (Cheeni) (1 1/22 cup)
3/4 teaspoon crushed big Cardamoms (Elaichi Moti)
1 1/2 cups Vinegar (Sirka)
10 blanched Almond (Badam)

How to make tomato chutney:
• Put the tomatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes.
• Take out from the water, wipe and remove their skins and cut into small pieces.
• Cut ginger into long, thin slices.
• Put tomatoes, Red chili pepper , chopped garlic and ginger into a degchi and cook till tender.
• Stir constantly until thick.
• Add vinegar, sugar, cleaned raisins and crushed cardamoms and cook for 10 minutes.
• Remove from the fire, cool and keep in air tight jar.


Chicken biriyani ingredients:
1. Chicken - ½ kg
2. Basmati rice - 3 cup
3. Ghee - 5 tsp
4. Onion big - 1 sliced
5. Tomato medium - 1 chopped
6. Green chillies - 5
7. Ginger - 2 inch
8. Garlic - 4 pods
9. Cashew nuts -10
10. Saffron - a pinch
11. Coconut milk - 1 cup
12. Coriander leaves - ½ cup (chopped)
13. Mint leaves - ½ cup (chopped)
14. Water - 5 cups
15. Cardamom - 2
16. Cinnamon - 1 inch stick
17. Jaji flower - 1
18. Anasi flower - 1
19. Cloves - 3

Chicken biriyani preparation:
First clean and wash the chicken pieces. Drain all the water and keep it aside.

Next make a paste with green chillies, ginger and garlic.

Take a pressure cooker and heat with 5 tsp of ghee. Then add cardamom, cloves, anasi flower, jaji flower, cashew nuts and cinnamon.

Fry for few seconds. Then add onions and sauté for 2 mins.

Then add tomato pieces, chicken pieces and paste. Sauté until the raw smell disappears.

Now add the washed basmati rice and combine well.

Then add coconut milk, water, coriander leaves and mint leaves. Again combine well and close the pressure cooker.

Pressure cook for 2 whistles and switch off the stove.

Chicken biriyani is ready. Serve with onion raitha.

Vegetable biriyani ingredients:
1. Basmati rice - 2 cups
2. Water - 3 cups
3. Ginger garlic paste - 3 tsp
4. Green chillies - 4
5. Onion - 1 lengthwise chopped
6. Tomato - 1 finely chopped
7. Cinnamon - 1 inch stick
8. Cardamom - 2
9. Clove - 2
10. Bay leaf - 1
11. Cashew nuts - 10
12. Coconut milk - 1 cup (thick)
13. Ghee - 6 tsp
14. Carrot & Beans - 1 cup
15. Peas - ½ cup
16. coriander leaves - few
17. Mint leaves - few

Vegetable biriyani preparation:
Heat the pressure cooker with ghee. Then add cashew nuts, cinnamon, cardamom, clove and bay leaf.

Sauté for few mins. Then add onions. Fry for few mins.

Next add tomatoes, ginger garlic paste and green chillies. Sauté until the raw smell disappears.

Then add carrots, beans and peas. Combine well.

Now add rice, coconut milk, water, coriander leaves and mint leaves. Close the pressure cooker.

Pressure cook for 2 whistles and switch off the stove.

Now your vegetable biriyani is ready.

Serve hot with onion raitha.

Preparation time 30 mins
Cooking time 30 mins
No. of Servings 4

Mutton biriyani ingredients:
1. Meat - ½ kg
2. Basmati rice - 3 cup
3. Ghee - 5 tsp
4. Onion big - 1 sliced
5. Tomato medium - 1 finely chopped
6. Green chillies - 5
7. Ginger - 2 inch
8. Garlic - 4 pods
9. Cashew nuts -10
10. Saffron - a pinch
11. Coconut milk - 1 cup
12. Coriander leaves - ½ cup(chopped)
13. Mint leaves - ½ cup (chopped)
14. Water - 5 cups
15. Cardomon - 2
16. Cinnamon - 1 inch stick
17. Jaji flower - 1
18. Anasi flower - 1
19. Cloves - 3

Mutton biriyani preparation:
First clean and wash the mutton pieces.

Drain all the water and keep it aside.

Next make a paste with greenchillis, ginger and garlic.

Now add half of the portion of the paste with mutton pieces.

Now pressure cook the mutton for 3 to 4 whistles with out adding too much of water.

Then switch off the stove and keep aside.
Take a pressure cooker and heat with 5 tsp of ghee.

Then add cardamom, cloves, anasi flower, jaji flower, cashew nuts and cinnamon.

Fry for few seconds.

Then add onions and sauté for 2 mins.

Now add tomato pieces and remaining paste.

Sauté until the raw smell disappears.

Now add washed basmati rice and cooked mutton pieces.

Combine well.

Then add coconut milk, water, coriander leaves and pudhina leaves.

Again combine well and close the pressure cooker.

Now pressure cook for 2 whistles and switch off the stove.

Mutton biriyani is ready.

Serve with onion raitha.

Preparation time 45 mins
Cooking time 30 mins
No. of Servings 4

Prawn biriyani ingredients:
1. Prawns - 500 g
2. Basmati rice - 3 cup
3. Ghee - 5 tsp
4. Onion big - 1 sliced
5. Tomato medium - 1 chopped
6. Green chillies - 5
7. Ginger - 2 inch
8. Garlic - 4 pods
9. Cashew nuts -10
10. Coconut milk - 1 cup
11. Coriander leaves - ½ cup
12. Pudhina leaves - ½ cup
13. Water - 5 cups
14. Cardamom - 2
15. Cinnamon - 1 inch stick
16. Jaji flower - 1
17. Anasi flower - 1
18. Cloves - 3

Prawn biriyani preparation:
First clean and wash the prawns. Drain all the water and keep it aside.

Next make a paste with green chillies, ginger and garlic.

Take a pressure cooker and heat with 5 tsp of ghee.

Then add cardamom, cloves, anasi flower, jaji flower, cashew nuts and cinnamon.

Fry for few seconds. Then add onions and sauté for 2 mins.

Then add tomato pieces, prawns, salt and paste.

Sauté until the raw smell disappears.

Now add washed basmati rice and combine well.

Then add coconut milk, water, coriander leaves and pudhina leaves.

Then combine well and close the pressure cooker.

Now pressure cook for 2 whistles and switch off the stove.

Now prawn biriyani is ready.

Serve with onion raitha and chicken fry.

Preparation time 45 mins
Cooking time 30 mins
No. of Servings 4

Hyderabad Biriyani:
Hyderabad Chicken Biriyani:
1. Chicken – ½ kg
2. Basmati rice – ½ kg (cooked)
3. Curd – 1 cup
4. Onion – 1 finely sliced
5. Lime juice – ½ of the lemon
6. Ghee – ¼ cup
7. Ginger – 1 inch piece
8. Garlic - 3 flakes
9. Red chilli powder – 1 tsp or to taste
10. Coriander powder – 1 tsp
11. Garam masala – 1 tsp
12. Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
13. Saffron – ¼ tsp
14. Bay leaf – 2
15. Cardamoms – 3
16. Cinnamon – 1 inch stick
17. Cloves – 4
18. Cashwenuts – 10
19. Coriander leaves – ¼ cup (roughly chopped)
20. Mint leaves – ¼ cup (roughly chopped)
21. Salt – to taste

Hyderabadi Chicken Biriyani Preparation:
Marinate the chicken with curd, red chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder and salt for 1 hour.

Cook the basmati rice with enough salt, till half done and drain the water and keep it aside.

Make a paste with ginger, garlic and keep it aside.

Soak the saffron strands in 1 tbsp warm milk and keep it aside.

Take a pan and heat with ghee.

Add cashewnuts, bay leaf, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves.

Sauté for few mins.

Then add onins and ginger garlic paste.

Saute till the raw smell disappears.

Then add marinated chicken pieces and garam masala.

Mix well and fry well till the curd is absorbed.

Add enough water and cook till the chicken pieces are tender.

Now divide the cooked rice into two portions.

Take few semi-cooked grains of rice and colour them with diluted saffron for garnishing.

Place half of the semi cooked rice in the heavy bottomed vessel.

Then spread half of the chicken gravy.

Sprinkle some coriander and mint leaves.

Again spread by a layer of remaining rice.

One more layer of remaining chicken gravy.

Again sprinkle remaining coriander and mint leaves.

Close the vessel tightly and cook on low flame for 30 to 45 mins.

Remove from the heat.

Hyderabad biryani is ready.

Serve with raitha.

Preparation time 15 to 20 mins
Cooking time 30 to 60 mins
No. of Servings 6

Chicken Chennai
Time: 15-30 mins |

1. Clean and joint the chicken. Remove the skin. Slice onions.
2. Grind 1/2 the onions with all the ingredients from ginger to poppy seeds to a smooth paste.
3. Chop tomatoes. Heat oil in a kadai on medium flame.
4. Add all the ingredients from cloves to fennel. Fry for 1 minute. Add onion slices and fry till brown.
5. Add the ground paste and fry well. Add all the powders, fry for 1 minute.
6. Add tomatoes, fry till oil separates at the sides of the kadai. Add chicken pieces and salt.
7. Add 2 cups of water.Cover and lower the flame.
8. Simmer till chicken is cooked. Serve hot with steamed rice.
Serves 4-6

Goan Chicken Fry
Chicken - 1 Kg
Kashmiri chilli powder - 2 ½ tsp
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Peppercorns - ½ tsp
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Cloves - 4
Ginger - 4 cm
Garlic - 1 pod
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
Vinegar - 1 Tbsp
Tomato puree - ½ cup
Salt - to taste
Oil - 5 Tbsp
1. Clean and joint the chicken.
2. Grind all the ingredients from chilli powder to turmeric powder together with vinegar and little water to a smooth paste.
3. Mix with salt.
4. Apply this to chicken pieces and keep aside for 1 hr.
5. Add 1/2 cup water and cook covered till chicken is tender and water is absorbed.
6. Add oil and fry till chicken pieces are well fried.
7. Add tomatoes puree and simmer till it forms a thick gravy that coats the chicken pieces.
8. Serve with steamed rice or chapathis.
Serves 4-6


Custard Cake

Quantity Ingredients
3/4 cup All purpose flour
3 medium sized Eggs
1/4 cup Custard powder
1/2 tsp Vanilla flavor
3/4 cup Sugar
2 tbsp Milk
1/2 tsp Baking powder

For the garnish: Cherries and 2 tbsp of grated Chocolate.


Seive the flour, custard powder and the baking powder. Mix and set aside. Beat eggs and sugar in a bowl of fairly hot water. Beat till very light and fluffy. Remove from the hotwater bowl and gradually fold in the seived flour and the milk. Pour into a baking container that has been lined with greaseproof paper. Bake at 200oC for about 12-15 minutes. Cool and cut the cake in between in half horizontally. Soak half the cake in sugar syrup (Prepared by boiling 5tbsp sugar with 5tbsp water). Pour1/3 of the basic custard(Prepared by mixing three tbsp of custard powder, 11/4 cups of milk and 3 tbsp of sugar. Mix them well and then bring to a boil over low flame) over half of the cake. Place the second half of the cake over the first. Again dredge with sugary syrup and pour the remaining custard over the top and the sides of the cake. Sprinkle crushed cornflakes over the edges and grated chocolate in the center with galce cherries along the corners. Chill and serve.

Rich Chocolate Cake

Quantity Ingredients
170g Butter
170g Powdered sugar
140g All purpose flour
2 tbsp Cocoa powder
3 Eggs
1/4 cup Milk
1 tsp Vanilla flavor
1/2 tsp Baking powder
For the icing:

Quantity Ingredients
100g Melted butter
175g Powdered sugar
3 tbsp Milk
3 tbsp Cocoa powder

For the decoration: 1/2 tsp fresh cream beaten with 2 tbsp powdered sugar


To prepare the cake:

Mix butter and powdered sugar well. Add eggs one at a time and beat well. Seive together the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder. Fold in the cocoa- flour mixture. Add vanilla flavoring and milk. Pour mixture into a baking bowl and bake for 10-15 mins in a pre heated oven at 200oC, then reduce the temperature and bake at 170oC for 30 mins till the cake is done. Cool. Cut horizontally.

To prepare the chocolate fudge icing:

Gradually add icing sugar and cocoa powder to melted butter. Cook for 2-3 mins on low flame stirring all the while until you get a smmoth paste. Add milk. Stir. Sandwich the cake layers togehter with a layer of icing and pour the remaining icing on the top of the cake. Decorate with fresh cream.

Chocolate Cake with Dates and Walnuts

Quantity Ingredients
75g Flour
50g Sugar
50g Butter
25g Chopped walnuts
100g Dates
1 Egg
1/8th tsp Baking powder
1/4 tsp Soda bi-carbonate
1/4 cup Water
1/2 tsp Vanilla flavor


Wash and chop the dates. Soak overnight in 1/4 cup of water, along with soda bi-carbonate. Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy. Beat eggs seperately and gradually add to the mixture beating well. Add vanilla flavoring. Mix seived cocoa flour mixture alternatively with chopped walnuts and dates. Pour in a greased pan and bake in the oven at 200oC till done.

Irish Cream Cake

Quantity Ingredients
200g Shotcrust pastry
200g Sponge
150g Raspberry jam

To Prepare:

Cut the short crust pastry and the sponge into 12 discs. Spread equal quantities of jam on each short crust pastry disc and keep aside.
For the whisky cream:
Quantity Ingredients
300g Sweetened whipped cream
45ml Irish whisky
2 Egg yolks
40g Sugar
5g Gelatine

To Prepare:

Dissolve gelatine in 20ml of lukewarm water and keep aside. Pour in the rest of the ingredients(except the cream) and cook in a double boiler stirring continuously, until slightly thick. Remove and cool. When cool, add gelatine and mix well. Then fold in the cream and divide into 12 equal portions.
For the mocca cream:

Quantity Ingredients
300g Sweetened whipped cream
10g Instant coffee
2 Egg yolks
40g Sugar
50ml Milk
5g Gelatine

To Prepare:

Dissolve the instant coffee and gelatine in luke warm water. Beat the egg yolks well and fold int he sugar and milk. Next add the gelatine ot his and fold in the cream and refrigerate.
For sugar syrup:

Quantity Ingredients
100g Sugar
15ml Lemon juice
60ml Irish whisky

To Prepare:

Put sugar into a pan and add lemon and 120ml of water and bring to a boil. Remove and add whisky, mix well and cool Divide into 12 portions.
For vanilla sauce:

Quantity Ingredients
450ml Vanilla sauce
45ml Rum

To Prepare:

Put vanilla sauce into a bowl add rum and mix well and transfer into a piping bag.
For chocolate sauce:

Quantity Ingredients
50g Bitter chocolate
20g Cocoa powder
100g Sugar
5g Cornflour
15g Unsalted butter

To Prepare:
Break chocolate into small pieces. Mix sugar, cocoa and cornflour. Boil 200ml of water in a saucepan and add the cocoa mixture and cook on medium heat until it begins to bubble. Then add the chocolate and butter and cook until the sauce is consistet. Remove and strain. When cool transfer to a piping bag and when cool refrigerate.
For almond wafers:

Quantity Ingredients
175g Almonds
1 Egg
5 Egg whites
200g Sugar
75g Flour

To Prepare:

Beat the egg and egg whites in a bowl and then fold in the sugar, flour and then the almonds. Reserve in refrigerator over night and the divide into 20 equal portions. Grease a baking tray and bake these slices in a pre-heated oven at 375oF until the edges are dark brown(This takes approx. 15 mins). Remove and cool.
Other garnish:

Quantity Ingredients
60g Sweetened whipping cream
10g Chocolate shavings

To Prepare:

Put the cream in the piping bag.


Arrange the 12 moulds/ rings on a tray, place the jam coated shortcrust pastry discs in the moulds/ rings, put in the vanilla sponge siscs on the top and sprinkle a portion of the sugar syrup on each. Next spread a portion of whisky cream on the sponged the soaked sponge, and level with a spatula. Spread a portion of mocca cream on the whisky cream level with a spatula and refrigerate.
Method for serving:

Pipe out the vanilla and chocolate sauces, demould and place a portion of the cake in the middle of each plate. Pipe out a whipped cream star, arrrange 2 walnut halves and embed the almond wafers and serve.

Banana Nut Coffee Cake

Quantity Ingredients
1/2 cup Melted butter
1/4 Cup Milk
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Mashed ripe banana
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Chopped nuts
3/4 Tsp Baking powder
1/4 Tsp Salt
1/4 Tsp Baking soda

For the Nut Topping:

Quantity Ingredients
1/4 Cup Chopped nuts
1 Tbsp Flour
1/8 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tbsp Butter


In a medium bowl, combine butter, milk, sugar, egg and banana and beat up well. Add flour, nuts, baking powder, salt and baking soda and beat up further until the flour is moistened. Combine nuts, flour and cinnamon. Blend in the butter and set aside. Preheat the oven to 300oF. Pour batter into a greased baking tray. Sprinkle with the nut topping and cook for 30-40 minutes. Cool. Serve with nut topping and whipped cream.


Lemon Chiffon Cake

Quantity Ingredients
11/2 Cups Sugar
2 Cups Flour
8 Eggs
1 Tsp Baking powder
11/4 Tsp Salt
1/2 Cup Melted butter
1/4 Cup Water
1 Tbsp Grated lemon peels
1/2 Cup Lemon juice


Preheat the oven to 300oF. Combine 1 cup sugar, flour, baking powder and salt in medium bowl. Stir in the melted butter, lemon peel and juice and egg yolks. Stir until smooth. In a large bowl beat up the egg whites until frothy. Gradually add 1/2 cup sugar and beat until stiff. Add large spponful of beaten whites to the egg yolk mixture and stir until smooth. Lightly fold egg yolk mixture into the whites until well blended. Pour into a greased pan and bake for about 65-70 minutes. Invert cake and cool completely before serving.


Apple-Sauce Cake

Quantity Ingredients
2 Cups Flour
1 Cup Chopped walnuts
1 Tbsp Cinnamon powder
1 Tbsp Baking Soda
11/2 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Baking powder
1 Tsp Nutmeg
1/4 Tsp Cloves
2 Cups Sugar

1/2 Cup Melted butter

3 Eggs

15 oz Apple sauce

In a medium bowl mix flour, walnuts, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, baking powder, nutmeg and cloves. In another bowl beat sugar, butter, and eggs well. Next blend in the flour mixture gradually and then the apple sauce and beat till smooth. Pour batter into a greased pan and in a preheated oven at 300oF, for 60-70 minutes



2 cups Poha (Beaten Rice)1 Potatoes1 Onions2 Green Chillies1 tsp Chana dal1 tsp Urad dal1/4 tsp Mustard Seeds1 sprig Curry leaves2 tsp Peanuts4 tblsp Oil1 pinch Turmeric powder1 LemonFew Corainder leavesSalt to taste

How to make aloo poha :

Soak the poha in water. Wash and drain all the water.
Add some salt , turmeric powder , keep aside.
Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the onions, chillies, corainder leaves.
Heat oil and put chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds, peanuts, curry leaves and fry until they crackle.
Add potatoes , saute for few minutes, then add chopped onions, chillies.
Cook till they are done. Add the poha, corainder leaves and stir.
Keep it on slow flame for 5- 7 minutes.
Let it cool for sometime and add then lemon juice.

2 cups Whole Wheat Flour (Atta) 2 cups Gram Flour (Besan) Butter / ghee for serving

How to make besan roti:

Mix the flours together and gradually add enough water to make pliable dough.
Divide it into ten portions and flatten them out using rolling pin.
Pre-heat the griddle and cook the rotis on each side.
Butter the besan roti generously and serve hot with lentils, vegetables or curries

Ingredients for indian naan recipe:

4 cups White Flour (Maida) 1/2 tsp Baking powder 1 tsp Salt 1/2 cup Milk 1 tbsp Sugar 1 Egg 4 tbsp Oil 1 tsp Nigella seeds (Kalunji)

How To Make Naan:

Sift the flour, salt and baking powder into a bowl and make a well in the middle.
Mix the sugar, milk, eggs 2tbsp of oil in a bowl.
Pour this into the center of the flour and knead adding water if necessary to form soft dough.
Add the remaining oil, knead again, then cover with damp cloth and allow the dough to stand for 15 minutes. Knead the dough again and cover and leave for 2-3 hours.
About half an before the naan are required, turn on the oven to maximum heat.
Divide the dough into 8 balls and allow rest for 3-4 minutes.
Sprinkle a baking sheet with nigella seeds and put it in the oven to heat while the dough is resting.
Shape each ball of dough with the palms to make an oval shape.
Bake the indian bread naan until puffed up and golden brown. Serve hot.
2 cups Wheat Flour (Gehun Ka Atta) Water as per requirement

How to make chapati:
Knead soft dough with above ingredients.
Leave it for atleast 30 minutes.
Break off to a table tennis - ball sized (even smaller) bit of dough.
Roll with help of dry flour to a thin round.
Roll as thin as possible.
Heat tawa and place phulka on it.
When dry on one side, turn it.
When brown spots appear on second side, turn again.
Use a kitchen towel and lightly press the phulka, rotating at same time, it will puff.
Make as crisp as desired.
Serve hot.